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Manual lymphatic drainage


Lymph is the fluid formed of water, proteins, and othhr cells, fats, and hyaluronic acid molecules that circulate throughout the lymphatic system, and has a composition comparable to blood plasma. The fluid is formed in the interstitium and is collected through lymph capillaries. It is then transported through small lymph vessels to lymph nodes before emptying ultimately into the bigger lymph ducts and at the end to circulatory system, where it mixes back with the blood.

The lymphatic system is a composition of all lymphatic vessels, lymph, lymph nodes, lymphatic tissue of gastrointestinal tract, and lymphatic organs like thymus, spleen, tonsils etc.

The main function of the lymphatic system is immune function and the transport of fluids. Disturbances of this function are the cause edema(also oedema) which is a visible and easy to palpate swelling formed by an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the interstitium located beneath the skin or in body cavities.

What makes edema occur:

  • lymphatic system disfunction
  • venous insufficiency
  • removal of lymph nodes (due to cancer treatment)
  • injuries
  • surgeries

In some cases the specialists dont know what causes edema (congenital edema), the others appear after hormonal shock (pregnancy or during menopause) eg. lipoedema and lipolymphedema, or surgeries by the cancer patients when the lyphnodes were removed.

The lymphatic edema occurs in the upper and lower limbs, abdomen and pelvis area, head or neck, as well as in external genitals.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is an advanced therapy to reduce swelling and edema. The therapy is gentle and painless (except lipoedema and lipolymphedema which are in general painful and pressure-sensitive).

Manual lymphatic drainage uses a range of specialised and gentle rhythmic techniques like pumping or „standing circles“, which helps to move the lypmphatic deposits in the interstitium in the direction of the lymph flow.

After MLD it is recommended to use compression in the form of bandages, stockings, tights, or sleeves. Compression prevents the lymph flow back to the treated area maintaining the therapeutic effect for longer.

Indications for MLD

  • primary (congenital) and secondary lymphedema
  • venous insufficiency (heavy legs, swollen ankles)
  • lipoedema and lipolymphedema
  • lymphedema of intestinal wall
  • post-traumatic edema
  • post-operative edema
  • as an effective component of the treatment of rheumatic diseases like Sudeck syndrome, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, active arthrosis etc.)
  • to relieve fluid congestion due to preganancy (swollen ankles, tired puffy eyes, swollen legs)
  • for deep relaxation
  • can be used after cosmetic surgery (liposuction) to speed healing
  • promotes healing of wounds and bruises
  • furthermore MLD can enhance Your well being and is both preventive and remedial.